Business opportunities

The project scope is to examine the potential of the primary and secondary mineral resources from the point of view of potential marketable products.

In this respect it is important to record the current state in West Balkan mining sector, evaluate available mineral datasets and map the potential business opportunities in the raw material sector

The outcomes of the SWOT/GAP analysis and mapping of the available business opportunities in this part of ESEE region are:

The aim of the mapping of the available business opportunities in the region is to utilise the results of WP3 and WP4 with the identified primary and secondary resources and along with a dedicated group of stakeholders from WP2 make a screening exercise to pinpoint those cases that have a potential to become marketable.

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The report provides a short-, mid- and long- term Roadmap for the exploitation of the RM sector in the ESEE region. This includes case studies of identified business opportunities, current status of countries and SWOT/GAP analysis conducted at country and ESEE region level. The Executive summary of the report is published here. 

Download Executive summary (.PDF, 14.9 MB)

The summary profiles for each of the 6 ESEE countries in national languages are presented here.