The RESEERVE register will ensure a sufficient flow of mineral information for the European industry to expand its business and investment in the West Balkan region.

RESEERVE project aims to map the raw materials of West Balkan countries. The six ESEE (Eastern and South-Eastern Europe) countries include Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia. These countries have recently not been included in the existing data platforms. Therefore, the aim of the project is the creation of the West Balkan Mineral Register for primary and secondary raw materials. The register will enable the integration of the region into a pan-European minerals intelligence network and bring it closer to the common mineral market. Some selected data have been harvested in the “MIN4EU database” developed in the frame of the “MINTELL4EU and GSEU” projects. These data are available on the European Geological Data Infrastructure platform, where the mineral data are constantly updated.

The West Balkan Mineral Register separately shows in tabular and graphical form primary raw materials in ESEE region and secondary raw materials in ESEE region.

Data protection

Data uploaded in The West Balkan Mineral Register are public with restrictions on its use and management.

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Uploaded data in the tables and on the maps can be freely browsed and viewed but not downloaded and adapted.


Data providers are responsible for accuracy of the West Balkan Mineral Register data.